Via Ferrata in the Dolomites

Enthusiastic climbers of vie ferrate are exactly on the right spot

  • Via Ferrata - Pizes de Cir, Dolomites, Italy
  • Via Ferrata in the Dolomites, Italy
  • Sunrise on the Pizes de Cir, Dolomites, Italy
  • View from the Sella group, Dolomites
  • Hiking trail/via ferrata in the valley Setus, Sella group, Dolomites
  • Hiking trail/via ferrata in the valley Setus, Sella group, Dolomites
  • Pizes de Cir, Dolomites
  • Pizes de Cir, mountain range above the Gardena Pass
  • Sassolungo Val Gardena
  • Sas Rigais - Odle - Val Gardena

Some Vie ferrate (explanation on Wikipedia):

Via Ferrata Oskar-Schuster

The Via Ferrata Oskar Schuster is a highlight in the Sassolungo Mountain Group. It starts out at the Sassolungo wind gap which can be reached by cable car. From there you walk down to the Sassolungo Hut for about 45 minutes. From there you have to walk westwards into the Plattkofel Valley. The marked Oskar Schuster Ferrata leads you across scree, steep terrain and secured passages with wire rope protections up to the summit of Sasso Piatto in about 2,5 hours.

Via Ferrata Pisciadu

Passo Gardena is the starting point for the relatively long and complex Pisciadu Ferrata in the Sella Massif up to the Pisciadu Hut or Pisciadu Lake. This Via Ferrata demands a lot of mountain experience. For the descent you climb down Val Setus back to Passo Gardena. In spring, the access to the descent into Val Setus might be quite difficult in spite of the fixed wire rope protections because of ice and snow remains from the winter season. Therefore, inform yourselves about its condition. To my mind, this via ferrata is a must J

Via Ferrata Piccola Cir

Starting out at Passo Gardena there is a rather short but varied and very beautiful via ferrata which leads up to the Piccola Cir summit in an amazing mountain scenery. The access is relatively easy.

Via Ferrata Sas Rigais - Le Odle / Seceda

Col Raiser or the Juac Hut are the ideal starting points for excursions in the Odle Mountain Range. The beautiful Via Ferrata Sas Rigais leads up to the summit cross of Sas Rigais, the highest peak of the Odle near Seceda. The hike up to this Via Ferrata is quite long.

This small selection is just meant to give you a little insight in our world of Vie Ferrate. If you aren’t a very experienced climber, we advise you try these Vie Ferrate only with a mountain guide.

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